Friday, April 1, 2011

74% of Americans support legalization of medical marijuana in their state

I don't use marijuana, but I have been openly supporting its legalization, because there are too many folks out there who could benefit from it who don't have access.  I am not the only one who supports this.

A recent Harris Poll survey that polled over 3,100 adults online found that 74% of respondents support legalizing medical marijuana in their state, with 48% saying they strongly support it. When asked about legalizing recreational use, support came in at 42% with 49% opposed.

Not surprisingly, the east and west coasts of the U.S. support legalization the most, with 50% in both regions supporting recreational legalization. The south region polled as least supportive.

 When asked about who should make the decision about legalization, 44% say it should be a state matter, while 40% think the feds should handle it. Either way, this poll shows the overwhelming support in this country for medical marijuana, and the growing support for recreational legalization.

Yet medical marijuana seems to remain a controversial issue. Why? If polls regularly showed 95% support for medical marijuana, would that make a difference? Or is it more of a matter politicians not caring? Or beyond that, is it a side effect of the fact that old white guys hold most of the elected positions in this country?

But times are changing. Progress may seem slow to some, but small, positive steps lead to the overall momentum we now enjoy. Legalization is inevitable as older politicians pass away and younger ones take their place.


  1. It's not just politicians that continue to keep MM or the legalization of it altogether from passing, but the electorate. I would wager that the poll you cite has a fair amount of unregistered or registered and inactive voters.

  2. You are absolutely right. I was surprised that marijuana was not legalized in California's last election, but when only about a third of the registered voters turn out, they probably aren't going to be those who are pro-MM.
