Last week I was troubled by some chest pains. On Friday evening, my wife and daughter convinced me to go to the urgent care and make sure the chest pains were not heart related. I ended up in the hospital and had an angiogram done. I was released from the hospital Saturday at 11 pm with a clean bill of cardiac health. The doctor said the chest pains were most likely "anxiety-related."
It was a real bummer, because I had planned on going to a party Sunday evening and seeing some friends from school. After the angiogram I was very sore in my groin area and just didn't feel up to the party. I haven't received the hospital or ambulance bill yet. Yes, I was forced to ride in an ambulance from urgent care to the hospital. Those bills will soon be coming in the mail, I'm sure.
The good news is that the angiogram showed I have no plaque in my arteries and my heart has fully recovered from a heart attack I had about 10 years ago. Good as new the doc said. I am quite pleased about this, because I have a strong family history of heart disease and high cholesterol. Having been a vegetarian for the past 10 years has helped I'm sure.
Things are still breaking down around the house, but I don't feel quite so helpless at the moment. I think I'll tackle the ceiling fan in the kitchen myself in the next few days.