Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Affordable Care Act in brief

Okay, I am not an expert on the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare), so I got this information from  I just wanted to give a little background information on the ACA, because it is going to effect most of us  in some way or another, and probably already has.  It has been in force for two years already, so there you go.
  • ObamaCare, Obama Care and Health Care for America are all the same thing. (it is an extension of the Patient Protection and the Affordable Care Act and ongoing efforts to reform the health care industry.)
  • Some aspects of Obamacare health care reform are already enacted. The Affordable Care Act was signed 2 years ago, I bet you didn't even notice unless you needed coverage and didn't have it. The Affordable Care Act requires that insurance plans cover preventative serves and stops insurance companies form dropping you when you are sick… Why would we need that if the system was working?
  • ObamaCare is a hot button political issue and both sides of the isle will try to persuade you for or against it. You need THE FACTS on ObamaCare and the Health Care For America Plan.
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• ObamaCare's goal is to provide affordable health insurance for all US citizens.
  •  ObamaCare does not replace private insurance or medicaid
• Medicaid will be reformed and expanded in order to help cover more people, especially those below the poverty level.

• ObamaCare aims to improve community health care centers in an effort improve health care for those who cannot afford private health care.

• Affordable health coverage means American's and their families pay what they can afford.

• American Employers need to provide comparable coverage to the Health Care for America Plan or pay a modest and fair Tax to support ObamaCare. (like the current state run unemployment and workers compensation programs)

• If an American or their family chooses not to purchase healthcare through the Health Care for America Act they can buy private insurance.

• The government is by the people and for the people. The health insurance companies are for profit organizations who are for the bottom line and the investors.

• Those with incomes exceeding 250k will be subject to higher taxes. This will help pay for the ObamaCare. As you can imagine this does not make some people happy. Though it's important to note that those making less will not be losing money, rather they will be gaining the option of healthcare.

• ObamaCare aims to make it easier for small businesses to provide coverage to workers by offering Tax Credits to employers who enroll their workers in private healthcare plans.

• One of the main goals of ObamaCare is to ensure that all preventative care will be free on all insurance plans. Private insurance plans that are grand fathered in and are all ready in place will be exempt until they lose their grand fathered status.

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